17 Feb 2014

Review of Heart2heart forum ....November 2013

H2H November overview
If anyone had predicted their expectations for the last episode of Heart to heart tagged “One Thing is Needful”, s/he would have arrived that fateful Sunday on the 10th of November 2013 to find out that
they were widely off the mark. Whispers made the rounds about what could possibly be the needful thing in a relationship. ‘Unconditional Love’, someone said, ‘Romance’ and ‘Openness’ were also close frontrunners as most people tried to guess what the topic of the day was all about. 

By four pm at digits place that day, nothing could have prepared us all for what happened over the next three hours as our own Mama Dee kicked off the start of the programme with a worship session. The gathering of believers in an atmosphere of true worship to God cannot be put coherently into words, but the floodgates of heaven opened up as we acknowledged the presence of God. Chibuzor Ukeje took over after the opening session of worship to welcome everyone present and in his usual manner he asked for a recap of the last edition from those who had been present. Apparently most people could still remember the short video clip we watched about the stages in a relationship that lead to a break up, and even the role play carried out by two sets of couples on breaking up. 

Eventually, the long awaited time came for the unveiling of the one needful thing by Papa Dee, and I can honestly tell you that a couple of people were left gaping with confused expressions when he informed us that “PRAYER” was the needful thing.  Yes, all along the one needful thing to enhance and sustain beautiful and godly relationships was PRAYER. Papa Dee explained just how his experience as a counselor over the years and also as a married man had taught him that sometimes the issues facing relationships sometimes defied counsel and could only be overcome by an agreement in prayer. A couple agreeing together in prayer was revealed to be a strength that could overcome all problems while facilitating openness between the man and woman, after all trusting someone to pray with you regarding the close and intimate desires of your heart requires an openness and honesty that is healthy for marriage and relationships.

 After elaborating a bit more on the topic, Papa Dee pointed out that the day was specially set aside to not only draw our attentions to the importance of prayer, but to also spend some time praying. The prayer session began with the rendering of a song titled “I Need You” by the Pure Devotion team after which a series of prayer points for our relationships and getting it right in marriage. 

The prayer session lasted for about an hour as pastor Dammy of Ambassador Christian Centre and some other married folks in the house ( Mr ladi Odulaja and Mrs Foluke Ayuba) led prayers on premarital decisions, addressing marital challenges, and prophetic declarations for the future. It was indeed a needful session and left us more aware of the more important things needed in a relationship.
Of course no heart to heart edition would be complete without something to share, and we all tucked into ice cream after the prayers as the announcements were read. The next edition will be the last for the year, and would be a special Love feast/thanksgiving tagged 'LOVSPIRATION' ....where love meets gratitude in an atmosphere of music......celebrating the success of the year. 
Make it a date to join us at Digits Place on the 8th of December, 2013. Don’t come alone!!! It would be an evening of love, thanksgiving, music, movies, dance,winning and dinning etc.

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