26 Feb 2014

Lest we forget to.....#YobeKillings

Let's us light a candle for all the previous innocent kids in Yobe murdered in cold blood...and pray that God would have mercy on this nation....and comfort all the bereaved families of this children.
Please share...

21 Feb 2014

Watch out for Heart2heart live forum ....with special guest : renownedauthor Adeyinka Ogunnubi


No finance ...no romance...have you heard that before?
50% of relationships and marriage challenges are about money and financial Management. 
The truth is money answers many things in life and very vital in a love relationship...
Next month...precisely March 9th ....The author of the book ' Honey is it in the budget' will be live at the forum to shed light on family and personal finance as it affects marriage and relationship. You don't want to miss this next month edition..
Meet the author ....

Mr Adeyinka Ogunnubi is an expert in the field of Corporate Treasury particularly in regards to developing treasury systems. He has many years experience in management and has managed treasury projects across across. 
Yinka has made tremendous stride in the field of Corporate Treasury managing portfolios worth millions of dollars across Africa . He has become astute at transferring that known from the work-place to the home front and has helped several families with the knowledge and tools to manage their finances. He is a renowned public and motivational speaker with a unique style of delivery that makes him a compelling speaker. He is happily married to aye waned, a lawyer and development worker with an international pedigree. Their marriage of over 11 years is blessed with two lovely kids.

He will be facilitating at the March edition of heart2heart.
Don't Miss it!

20 Feb 2014

Overcoming the fear of vested interest...

Please watch this beautiful thought provoking piece and please pass it on....

Guys...food for thought....

Think about it really....

Get up...go back home to that woman in your life and appreciate her more....
She does you lots of Favour....be kind enough to admit it and treat her well...
Thumbs up to all the great wives and mums out there...
We love you all...
Shout out to my own queen,...Oreofe...you are a rare gem and you mean more than this world to me...#irreplaceable

17 Feb 2014

Review of Heart2heart forum ....November 2013

H2H November overview
If anyone had predicted their expectations for the last episode of Heart to heart tagged “One Thing is Needful”, s/he would have arrived that fateful Sunday on the 10th of November 2013 to find out that

15 Feb 2014

Enifome weds JP.....Congratz guy! Happy Married life



First Heart2heart wedding of the year....
Congrats Enifome and Paul....welcome to the club guyz!
Watch the reception entrance dance....

14 Feb 2014

I would be ministering here too this Sunday...

It will be hot and spicy.....gisting on love and sex...
Don't miss it....

Catch me here this Sunday....

Would be ministering live and direct! Trusting The Lord for utterance....see you there!

Happy Val's Day...

The true lover says...

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

Go and do likewise.....

Happy Val's day...

13 Feb 2014

Treat her like your own queen...

Treat her More....

Here is something for men today as well....learn how to treat your woman right,she needs more what you are offering presently......

1) Never take a woman for granted or neglect her. The moment you do, she’ll start scanning the field and you won’t know it.

2) Do not cheat on her, or cheat her. A woman’s revenge could be emotionally lethal.

3)Do not boss her around, push her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, or force her to give you ANYTHING.

4) Do not expect her to wait on you hand and foot. She will take your foot and put it in your hand.

5) Be appreciative for all she does for you and show her appreciation for being in YOUR life. When you start acting like she should be happy she is in YOUR life, she will go out to prove you otherwise.

6) Never lay a hand on her, unless it is to caress her.

7) Never make her second to anything. This is the biggest mistake any man can do.

8) Don’t ever disrespect her or her family, even if she complains about them. It is OK for her to do it, but never for you. Remember this.

9) Always GIVE more than you take from her to stay a man in her eyes. When a woman has to support you, in her mind, you are her bitch.

10) Never treat a woman like a man, or she will treat you like a woman.

11) Be truthful to her always — even if it hurts. A woman respects a man of Truth and men that lie repeatedly will never be taken seriously — only playfully.

12) Women are like cats. Even when they play stupid, their radars are always perceptive and receptive to all that is happening around them. Do not play around your woman, or she will play you in the end.

13) Never be afraid to show a woman your emotions. Do not expect her to know how you feel if you don’t reveal anything. Never hold back on love. When a woman feels something is missing, or that you are not in the relationship 100%, she will seek a more complete love elsewhere. Believe it.

14) Support your woman’s dreams as if you were her number one fan and you will always be her number one man.

15) Push a woman to fulfill her passions, and she will always be passionate about you. Stay in tune with the developments of her hobbies and projects, and she will be in tune with you. Even if she loves designing tiny hats for squirrels, what you should love is the excitement from her eyes whenever you see her doing what she loves.

16) Treat your woman as if she were your precious daughter, more than you treat her as your mother — even if she is older than you. Women are like kittens. They love your attention, affection, pampering, to be spoiled, and really enjoy being showed and told new things. Remember, women will always have more options than men. They will only stay with the one who treats them best.

17) A woman typically gives a man two chances for serious error. If he messes up more than twice, it is highly unlikely there will be a third. After the second slip-up, she already sees you as a different person.

18) Always trust a woman’s intuition and never take her mind for that of a fool. If she tells you something, but then you have to go and ask for someone else’s opinion in front of her, if she was right she will never let it go. She will start taking you for the idiot. All it takes is once.

19) The same way the Sun is the lamp of the universe, your woman should always be treated as the lamp of your life.

20) Do not ever put her down in front of your friends or family. This will only make her despise your family and friends, and she won’t forget to return the favor.

21) If she loves her family, try to love them as if they were yours too. She will love you more for sincerely trying.

22) If you end up with a first-rate woman, never treat her less than first-rate. She will leave you for a first-rate man once you do.

23) Never give your woman third-rate gifts (junk, used, discounted, as is, tacky). If you can’t afford to get her something first-rate, make her something from your heart, or wait until you have enough money to get her a first-rate gift. A woman would rather be given nice gifts, rather than a bunch of junky gifts. It shows her how you see her. Believe it.

24) Never let your woman stand alone when she is being opposed. Always stand by her in the presence of opposition, and when you are in private then you can tell her your real thoughts on a situation. She will love you for not exposing her out in the open. Always stand by your woman. Always! However, if she is someone who always does people wrong, then she is wrong for you. If she is good and she is the one being wronged, if you sit down or do nothing, she will be gone. Women do not like weak men. Those women that tolerate weak men are very weak women.

Treat your relationship as if you are growing the most beautiful sacred flower. Keep watering it, tend to the roots, and always make sure the petals are full of color and are never curling. Once you neglect your plant, it will die, as will your relationship. If your woman has left you heartbroken, then know it is most likely due to you violating at least one of the above. If you violated more than two, then know you had a very good woman.culled

*disagree with anyone of these?which one?

Treat him like your king...

Treat him more..
For the wives too....

1. The man in your life need all of the compassion, patience and support you can find in your heart, to help them open theirs.

2. Part of improving your relationship with a man, whether it’s your husband, boss, father or brother, etc, it is not just understanding his
behaviour but also taking an honest look at your own behaviour as well.

3. Believe it or not, you may be bringing out the worst in the man you love by the way you behave around them.
Read more

11 Feb 2014

Couples sleeping positions....

Posted Image

Identify yourself couples?

The Spoon: “Semi-foetal, genitals against buttocks”, this position provides both of you with maximum physical closeness and is the most common sleep position for the first three to five years of a long term relationship.

The Honeymoon Hug: A position for the early months of a relationship “when you’re so

Spicing up your intimate moments continues.....

Intimacy matters 001

When it comes to marriage, many couples often expect their sex lives to take care of themselves; the reality is that it is an important aspect of relationships that needs tended to like anything else. If you never changed the oil in your car, would you be surprised when the engine stopped working? Once we realize that a boring sex life is not a broken sex life, that’s when we can start working toward improving intimacy in our relationships.

As you know, a very important part of a healthy

Spice up your intimate moments...

When it comes to marriage, many couples often expect their sex lives to take care of themselves; the reality is that it is an important aspect of relationships that needs tended to like anything else. If you never changed the oil in your car, would you be surprised when the engine stopped working? Once we realize that a boring sex life is not a broken sex life, that’s when we can start working toward improving intimacy in our relationships.

As you know, a very important part of a healthy marriage begins in the bedroom and you should these tips to keep it alive and well.

Intimacy is more than just sex: Touching your husband or wife in sexy ways outside the bedroom -a squeeze here, a massage there - will remind you both that the bustle of daily life can give way to the rustle of nighttime get-togethers. It’s important to remember that intimacy doesn’t just occur in the bedroom.

Set aside special times to be intimate with one another, for example, cooking together, setting aside times to give each other massages, reading to one another, dance lessons, etc.

It is so easy in this busy world to become like ‘business’ partners or roommates, each of you attending to the daily tasks of running a home, family and a career.

10 Feb 2014

Fred heartfelt song to his future wife @ February Heart2heart forum

Ice Frederick delivers an inspiring love song...


I wished I got all from the beginning....but I picked the recording from the middle....
But you would still feel the song....
So..if you are out there future lady of Fred...this is for you...

Love Score test....

I tried to score myself here as recorded in 1Corinthians 13:4-7: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."


Be sincere with yourself...what's ur score?

Now this is worth sharing...

Go and upgrade lovewise this season ....

Selah moments....

February edition .....'Double Dating'

8 Feb 2014

DOUBLE DATING TINZ.......live tomorrow !!

Dating two people at the same time has its own share of problems, and even though you are not in a relationship, it can get tricky.

Your intentions and your heart maybe in the right place, but double dating — i.e, dating two people at the same time can create unnecessary complications when things are not out in the open. While some are of the opinion that there is nothing wrong with testing waters, others feel the approach that can land you in trouble — it even has the potential to lead to triple heartache, in some cases. Some people may choose to be open about their decision to date two or more people at the same time. But there are many who would like to avoid a confrontation, and keep all the parties concerned in the dark. It's the latter situation that really complicates matters of the heart. (Times of India)

what do you think people...?

Tomorrow at the FEBRUARY EDITION OF H2H forum we shall be addressing all matters concerning the above subject....Dont Miss it

VENUE: DIGITS PLACE. 5th Avenue F Close House 6. Festac

Time: 4-7pm.

Dont Miss it.

Im not a FAN of this guy....but this article makes lots of sense for married couples....Read with an open mind....

A very interesting article written by Charly Boy. Enjoy below...

When two people, lovers, friends, partners or even team mates can consistently predict one another's moves like clockwork, it is called see finish

See finish can help one in fully

6 Feb 2014

Part of the H2H Crew.....behind the scenes

Hey Guys....dont be ignorant......

43 things....

January 10, 2013 at 7:15pm
Nicholas Nkem wrote: 


#1 When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away.
#2 When she misses you, she's hurting inside when u ignore her.
#3 When she says it's over, she still wants you to convince her u’ll take her more seriously.
#4 When she walks away from you mad, gently follow her.
#5 When she stares at your mouth, passionately kiss her.
#6 When she pushes or hits you, grab her tight & don't let her go.
#7 When she starts cursing at you, kiss her and tell her how much you love her.
#8 When she ignores you, give her your attention.
#9 When she pulls away, pull her closer.
#10 When you see her at her worst, tell her she's beautiful.
#11 When you see her crying, hold her and don't say a word.
#12 When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
#13 When she's scared, protect her.
#14 When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt her head up and kiss her.
#15 When she steals your favorite jacket, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.
#16 When she tease you, tease her back and make her laugh.
#17 When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
#18 When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up with the truth and sincerity.
#19 When she says she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.
#20 When she grabs your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
#21 When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.
#22 When she shares her secrets with you, keep it safe and untold.
#23 When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does.
#24 Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.
#25 Let her have the last word with an ‘I love you response’.
#26 Don't call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is so much better.
#27 Say you love her more than she could ever love you.
#28 Argue that she is the best girl ever.
#29 When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go.
#30 When she says she's OK, don’t believe it, talk to her about it, because 10 yrs later she'll still remember it.
#31 Call her at 12:00am on special occasions to tell her you love her.
#32 Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.
#33 Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
#34 Don't ignore her when she's out with you and your friends.
#35 Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
#36 Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
#37 Let her into your world.
#38 Let her wear your clothes sometimes.
#39 When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
#40 Always let her know she's important.
#41 Kiss her in the pouring rain so far she doesn't catch cold.
#42 When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; "Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"THEN…
#43 After she reads this, she hopes one day you'd read it too.

2 Feb 2014


Here is something for MEN today as well as WOMEN....learn how to treat your woman right, she needs more what you are offering presently......

1) Never take a woman for granted or neglect her. The moment you do, she’ll start scanning the field and you won’t know it.

2) Do not cheat on her, or cheat her. A woman’s revenge could be emotionally lethal.

3) Do not boss her around, push her to do anything she doesn't want to do, or force her to give you ANYTHING.

4) Do not expect her to wait on you hand and foot. She will take your foot and put it in your hand.

5)  Be appreciative for all she does for you and show her appreciation for being in YOUR life. When you start acting like she should be happy she is in YOUR life, she will go out to prove you otherwise.

6) Never lay a hand on her, unless it is to caress her.

7) Never make her second to anything. This is the biggest mistake any man can do.

8) Don’t ever disrespect her or her family, even if she complains about them. It is OK for her to do it, but never for you. Remember this.

9) Always GIVE more than you take from her to stay a man in her eyes. When a woman has to support you, in her mind, you are her bitch.

10) Never treat a woman like a man, or she will treat you like a woman.

11) Be truthful to her always — even if it hurts. A woman respects a man of Truth and men that lie repeatedly will never be taken seriously — only playfully.

12) Women are like cats. Even when they play stupid, their radars are always perceptive and receptive to all that is happening around them. Do not play around your woman, or she will play you in the end.

13) Never be afraid to show a woman your emotions. Do not expect her to know how you feel if you don’t reveal anything. Never hold back on love. When a woman feels something is missing, or that you are not in the relationship 100%, she will seek a more complete love elsewhere. Believe it.

14) Support your woman’s dreams as if you were her number one fan and you will always be her number one man.

15) Push a woman to fulfill her passions, and she will always be passionate about you. Stay in tune with the developments of her hobbies and projects, and she will be in tune with you. Even if she loves designing tiny hats for squirrels, what you should love is the excitement from her eyes whenever you see her doing what she loves.

16) Treat your woman as if she were your precious daughter, more than you treat her as your mother — even if she is older than you. Women are like kittens. They love your attention, affection, pampering, to be spoiled, and really enjoy being showed and told new things. Remember, women will always have more options than men. They will only stay with the one who treats them best.

17) A woman typically gives a man two chance for serious error. If he messes up more than twice, it is highly unlikely there will be a third. After the second slip-up, she already sees you as a different person.

18) Always trust a woman’s intuition and never take her mind for that of a fool. If she tells you something, but then you have to go and ask for someone else’s opinion in front of her, if she was right she will never let it go. She will start taking you for the idiot. All it takes is once.

19) The same way the Sun is the lamp of the universe, your woman should always be treated as the lamp of your life.

20) Do not ever put her down in front of your friends or family. This will only make her despise your family and friends, and she won’t forget to return the favor.

21) If she loves her family, try to love them as if they were yours too. She will love you more for sincerely trying.

22) If you end up with a first-rate woman, never treat her less than first-rate. She will leave you for a first-rate man once you do.

23) Never give your woman third-rate gifts (junk, used, discounted, as is, tacky). If you can’t afford to get her something first-rate, make her something from your heart, or wait until you have enough money to get her a first-rate gift. A woman would rather be given nice gifts, rather than a bunch of junky gifts. It shows her how you see her. Believe it.

24) Never let your woman stand alone when she is being opposed. Always stand by her in the presence of opposition, and when you are in private then you can tell her your real thoughts on a situation. She will love you for not exposing her out in the open. Always stand by your woman. Always! However, if she is someone who always does people wrong, then she is wrong for you. If she is good and she is the one being wronged, if you sit down or do nothing, she will be gone. Women do not like weak men. Those women that tolerate weak men are very weak women.

Treat your relationship as if you are growing the most beautiful sacred flower. Keep watering it, tend to the roots, and always make sure the petals are full of color and are never curling. Once you neglect your plant, it will die, as will your relationship. If your woman has left you heartbroken, then know it is most likely due to you violating at least one of the above. If you violated more than two, then know you had a very good woman.

For the wives too....

1. The man in your life need all of the compassion, patience and support you can find in your heart, to help them open theirs.

2. Part of improving your relationship with a man, whether it’s your husband, boss, father or brother, etc., it is not just understanding his
Behavior but also taking an honest look at your own behavior as well.

3. Believe it or not, you may be bringing out the worst in the man you love by the way you behave around them.

4. He needs a wife and a lover, not a mother, so stop treating him like a kid who does not have brains.

5. Don’t scold or correct him in public

6. Even when he is wrong, talk to him nicely but at the same time make him believe it was his bright idea that solved the equation, a confident man will not be afraid to admit that his woman is intelligent.

7. Stop being over-helpful by doing things that a man would naturally rather do by themselves.

8. Stop thinking you will become indispensable when you make the man depend on you.

9. Don’t you think pet names or abbreviations are better than calling your husband/boyfriend “daddy”.''ori mi'' ''baba iya mi''.......

10. Mind your language, especially when you are upset. You may think men forget hurtful words easily. That is a huge lie; they remember everything you say that is capable of damaging their ego and self-esteem.

11. Do not use phrases like “I thought you were this but now I know better”, rather try saying “sometimes I am hurt when you say this or do this, it worries me”.

12. You cannot change a man who is set in his ways but your attitude and the atmosphere you create around him can do the magic.

13. When he is going through a difficult time with work and his abilities to accomplish, he will definitely not be in the right frame of mind to focus his attention on relationship issues.

14. Even when you are having issues and arguments with your man, there are three things you should never deprive him of (food, shelter and sex).

15. Your husband feels extremely rejected when you reject his sexual advances, especially when there is no physical or spiritual justification.

16. Men like their wives to also initiate sex, it makes them feel wanted.

Good luck as you reflect on this few tips and try them out...you never know, it might be the magic wand you have been looking for to change things in your relationship.