23 Apr 2015

The Myth of Sex in Marriage....#mySexuality

MySexaulity .....bishop tweets

@yinkanubi: 2. There's d belief that married peeps hve more sex. Its a myth. The opposite is closer to reality. Don't ask me, ask @Topsyken @Talk_Expert
@yinkanubi: 3.There's d perceptn dat men enjoy sex more. Its a myth. Actually women enjoy it more while men merely 'want' it more @Topsyken @Talk_Expert

@yinkanubi: 4. If u think that getting married will guarantee u more sex, u better have a rethink cos you are in for a rude shock @Topsyken @Talk_Expert

@yinkanubi: 5. And if u think that u're d only one with a high libido cos u're "da man"..wake up dude..u are in the 21st century. @Topsyken @Talk_Expert

@valgambo: @yinkanubi @Topsyken true. Especially when the kids start coming. One has to make a conscious effort to make it happen.
@yinkanubi: Ok ..I have been married for 13 years....so forgive me if I say I think I know a thing or two abt this topic. #mysexuality @_MySexuality
@yinkanubi: Have u ever gone to a wedding and all u can think of is "What d newly wed wld be doing later at night?". Its all part or d myth #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: The perceptn is there that marriage is a free pass for sex..so unwittingly many get married only to discover its not dat simple #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: The expectations built up by this myth impacts on the marriage in ways that in some cases has literally broken up marriages. #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: Think abt "Making Love" as d Journey & sex as d destination. Unfortunately for many, sex is both the journey & the destination #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: There are a whole host of realities that impacts on d sex live of married people. Kids, work/life balance, & d big H-Hormones. #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: So even at the best of times in a relationship, these factors will still conspire to limit the frequency of passionate sex. #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: This is why if there be anything any couple planning marriage shd be fixated about, it shd be "How can I learn to make love"? #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: This is bcos making love is not about sex but about appreciating everything abt your better half within their current reality.  #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: So when my wife is in that period when her hormones are everywhere, I recognise that as an opportunity to love her like that #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: Making love means helping out with the kids and domestic work because it makes the woman relaxed and more receptive to u later #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: Making love meaning understanding that if ur spouse have been away frm home a while coming back to a clean bedroom spks volumes #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: Making love means letting the other person know...without prompting that you are proud of him or her no matter how irrelevant. #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: Making love means understanding that your spouse might just need some space and time to be alone. "Just one of dem days". #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: These ought to be the compelling thoughts as you tie the knot on ur wedding day. And not some humping sessions later at night. #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: The second myth I want to tackle is one that assumes just on the bases of XY chromosomes that "Men love sex more". #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: I don't know how many times I've heard people say "men can't do w/out sex...implying that "women can do w/out it" such fallacy. #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: The fact that men are more easily aroused towards sex does not mean that by inference they love sex more. Its simply not true! #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: A woman's body is configured to enjoy sex more dan d man. Unfortunately society conditioned us to not to see this obvious truth #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: Ever heard of WHO? I.e. WEAR HIM OUT! This is euphemism used by women to depict d total annihilation of d man in d arena of sex #mysexuality
@yinkanubi: Nothing confirms d superiority of d woman dan her ability to WHO d man. Whatever best he can give, she can take + knock him out #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: However, it takes sometime, some process & some learning 2 get d woman there. But d fact she's not there doesn't mean she can't #mysexuality

@yinkanubi: Men may think more or want sex more but trust me, deep down, women enjoy it far far more. #mysexuality

20 Mar 2015

New Discovery!

Amazing discovery...Try it today!

Hundreds of thousands of people visited the ‘Durexlabs’ website to find out more, with excitement amplified by global media and social networks.

But in a moving and enlightening video released yesterday (http://youtu.be/wpdd2eBvyXM), couples who volunteered to test the technology,eager to give their love lives an uplift,were surprised to learn the answer lay in a simple switch that had been right in front of them all along – the offbutton.

The video, which has received 765,025views in its first 24 hours, follows some of these beta testers on their emotional journey, highlighting the serious issue that we are becoming enslaved to technology. It has been released alongside a study by Durham University commissioned by Durex, which reveals that pervasive use of technology in relationships is seriously impacting how often we have sex, even cutting intercourse short and causing tensions in relationships.

Researchers from Durham’s Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities revealed that 40% of those interviewed have delayed sex because of technology, largely smart phones and tablets, with others reported hurrying sexual activity in order to respond to messages.Moreover, a third of the couples interviewed admitted to interrupting sex to answer their phone.  One participant said:“Sometimes I’ll be on Facebook and he’ll be on a sporting app while we are both in bed; we realise that we are literally sitting in bed together, but living in different worlds.”


“When the first iphone was purchased by him I used to call it the third person in our marriage and I hated her with a passion, she used to sit between us, and I really disliked her… it has become a third arm for a lot of people”

“Sometimes I’ll be on Facebook and he’ll be on a sporting app while we are both in bed; we realise that we are literally sitting in bed together, but living in different worlds.”

“I may want sex and he might not be aware of that, because he’s distracted on his phone”

“In the last few months, I’ve tried to have a ban on her using her phone in the bedroom….. We’re now trying to use the bedroom for just sleeping and sex.”
“She loves her technology I'm not going to lie, she loves her phone. Sometimes it does feel like it's a relationship with her and her phone, she loves her phone and she's never really away from it”
” I’ve not delayed sex, I've faked an orgasm to speed it up to get back to work.”

·         40% (12 of 30) have delayed sex because of technology (most phones, but a couple tablets/laptops)
·         A third (10 of 30) participants have answered their phone during sex

#TGIF #MarriedCouples

6 Feb 2015

X-ray of a Cheater

Heart2heart February Edition holds this Sunday.....8th FEB 2015
Time: 4pm

Venue: Digits Place. 5th Avenue F Close House 6. festac town.

Don't miss this insightful discussion

'Wisdom is profitable for Direction......Get Wisdom !'

Your Host

29 Nov 2014

Lovitude 2014.....love meets with gratitude

Couples dance...

14th December Sunday 2014.....at the Digits place 5th Avenue F close House 6. Festac.

19 Sept 2014

7 things about Marriage....you may not hear in church...

7 things about marriage u may not hear in church
Ever wish you had the answers to a test before you walked into the classroom? Maybe some of you did have the answers, but you better keep that to yourself. I took some really hard tests during my college tenure. An engineering curriculum will do that. And if you spent time in college you remember review days. The professor would walk into a class full of students (some of which I had never seen) and give some insights about the impending test. Miss review day, and it would be foolish to expect a passing grade.

But it never failed. I would follow the guideline. I would study the handout. But on the day of the exam, the professor would put the exam on my desk…and there it was. A foreign formula or equation I had never seen. At least one I did not see on the study guide. Looking back, I realize something…the teacher did not intend for the study guide to be comprehensive. It was simply not possible to include everything from the required reading, class notes, and lectures.

Such is the case with the church and marriage. I am grateful for the foundation the church gave me in regards to marriage. It was a good study guide. But there some things on the test I did not learn until marriage began. So, I am going to give you some answers to the test that some of you might not expect to see. I grew up in church. I spent most of my time with Christian people. I was told much about marriage. But these 7 truths about marriage I never heard in church.

1.) Sex is a gift from God. Explore It.

Make no mistake…God created sex. But through the years, God’s people have allowed Satan to steal this gift. Without a fight.

I was never educated about sex…and I grew up in a Christian family. My framework for sex was built by my friends at school and the movies I watched. Big UH OH. I still struggle with enjoying the fullness of sex today because of the cloud of lies formed during my teenage years.

It is time for God’s people to take back the gift of sex. The lies surrounding it are ruining lives and ruining marriages. If you are married, let me challenge you to explore sex. Explore the fullness of it for the glory of God. Pray for sexual intimacy with your spouse.

Parents…it is time to stop allowing Satan to define sex for our children. Educate them. Start early. The average child is exposed to pornography at age 11. Eleven!! And many parents wait until high school to have “the talk” with them. At that point, you are not building a foundation for sex, but trying to destroy a foundation Satan has already built.

Church leaders…I am convinced of this. The situation in our culture today is too dire to allow parents to override you here. Talk about sex. If parents refuse to educate their children, then you do it. Do not let Satan beat you to the punch. A false understanding of sex is destroying our young people. It is destroying our nation. It is destroying our world. And we are doing nothing!

Sex is a beautiful gift created by God for a man and a woman that have vowed to spend the rest of their earthly lives with one another. If you are married…open this gift and enjoy the fullness of it.

2.) There is more than one person out there for you.

Soul mates are made…not born. I am not sure where this idea of soul mate originated, but it is false. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more about commitment than perfection. Every person on earth has imperfections. And the reality is we could spend our lives with more than one person.

Tiffani (my wife) is not perfect. There are nuances about her that frustrate me. But I have realized these frustrations are really a result of my imperfections. I love her so much. And I love her more everyday. I am committed to her.

I meet too many young people that are waiting for something that is not real. “I just couldn’t marry her because she smacked her food.” “He just wasn’t the one…he had this weird twitch when he smiled. But I know my soul mate is still out there. I just have to keep looking.”

Or you might have just missed him or her.

What if God does not want you to find a perfect person, but find an imperfect person that will draw you closer to Him? What if God desires you to marry a person with flaws to expose yours? What if God wants to teach you the value and life found in committing to one person forever, not the exhausting pursuit of searching your entire life to find the perfect person?

Soul mates are made…not born.

3.) The first year of marriage is hard…really hard.

What have we done? Are we going to make it? Why is this so hard? All questions I asked myself many times during my first year of marriage. We were arguing. We were fighting. It was really hard. And every day I thought something was wrong. I thought we had a bad marriage. Nobody warned me about the first year. But take this as a warning…the first year of marriage is difficult. If you are in the first year of marriage and thinking about giving up…congratulations. You are now…married!

But let me encourage you…do not give up. Everyone struggles. You are not unique. Persevere. There are better days coming. Your marriage will get better. Do not walk out. If 
you walk out now you disqualify yourself (and your spouse) from years of joy. Stick with it.

4.) A spouse does not complete you

I hate you Jerry Maguire. You have brainwashed a generation of people to believe a lie. Spouses do not complete people. I bought this lie, and it wasn’t until I let go of any notion my wife could fill some void that I was able to truly love her. Until then, I was always frustrated. I expected Tiffani to do something she was incapable of doing.

If you are empty, broken, or insecure, and you believe a spouse is the silver bullet to your problems…buckle up. It will be a bumpy ride. Only God can fill those voids. You will never be able to enjoy the beauty of marriage if your spouse’s job is to complete you.

5.) Marry somebody with similar goals, dreams, and passions.

Marry somebody that is a Christian, yes. But I would go even further. Marry somebody with similar passions and dreams. Now, I understand this breaks down at some point. People are not machines. No two people are going to want exactly the same thing in life. However, if you love foreign missions and your potential spouse hates going overseas, some tension will arise.

Synergy is extremely important in a marriage. If your spouse has the same vision as you, they will understand your struggles and support your pursuits. They will encourage your walk. They will be empathetic. There is much power in two people living life with the same goals, dreams, and passions for life.

6.) Marriage is not for everybody.

Paul talks about this in I Corinthians 7. He tells the church at Corinth to remain in the situation they are in. If unmarried, then stay unmarried. If married, then stay married. He later says this…

So then the person who marries his fiancee does well, and the person who doesn’t marry does even better. (I Cor. 7:38)
Even better? I never heard that in church. Maybe it is time for God’s people to accept the reality that God has not called everyone to marry. I have talked with young men and women that are so concerned with finding a spouse. It consumes them. And most of the pressure comes from…US. The church. Once a person reaches mid-twenties, we assume something is wrong with them if they have not married. They must have a terrible flaw.

“Bless your heart. You are almost 30 and not married? I know this must be hard!?”

Shame on us. I am worried many failed marriages are a result of people allowing the pressure of marriage to draw them into something God did not design them for. Marriage is holy and good, but it is also possible to follow Jesus without a spouse.

7.) The wedding day is a lie…don’t buy it. 

I love weddings. I love officiating them. It is a rare moment where I get to make a divine proclamation that forever changes the status of two people. Powerful.

But in an increasingly individualistic, “me” culture, weddings create a potentially dangerous situation. “Every girl lives for her wedding day.” It is all about the bride and groom. Everyone looks at them. Encourages them. Congratulates them.

Many couples have bought the lie of the wedding day…it is all about me. But marriage is at odds with this mindset. A successful wedding day is one where everyone serves you. A successful marriage is one where you serve your spouse. The wedding day is a day where the spotlight is on you. Marriage has no spotlight. The wedding day is about saying a bunch of words that most couples never take seriously. Marriage is about putting the words into action. The wedding day is joyous and celebratory. Many seasons of marriage are about persevering and not letting go through the storms.

Embrace your wedding day. Prepare for it. Celebrate it. But do not make the mistake of believing the lie. After your 20 minutes of fame, the spotlight is gone forever. It is no longer about you (and this is a good thing…you will see).


Heart2heart online counselling with Papadee

@papadee2012: #H2Honline..to nite 19th Septemner and every friday 10-12pm...#talkwithPapadee ! Powered by PMI ..inspiring marital fidelity! Strengthening love relationships! preserving the next generation! Spread d Word!

1 Aug 2014

My itinerary for August

Papadee August Itinerary
August 2nd (Sat)
TWC: Total Women of Conference 
Venue:  Joseph's Palace Apple Junction Amuwo Odofin.
Time: 11am. 
Topic: Spirit of the Womb(Man) with Impartation.

August 3rd (Sunday)
IMF : Persistency in Prayers
Venue: 5th Ave F Close house 6
Time: 6pm

August 4: (Monday)
HolyGhost Summit
FECA Satellite
Topic: The Surge. Time: 11am
Venue: Christ Reality Abule Ado

August 6 (Wednesday)
HolyGhost Summit
Feca Festac
Time: 10am
Venue: RCCG Kings model parish.

August 9th (Saturday)
BOT training seminar
Prime Exchange Network
Digits place.
5pm- 8pm
TTU CAMP (New Realm Baptist Church)
Venue: school behind GTbank Amuwo.
Topic: Online Dating Time: 5pm

August 10th (Sunday)
Heart2heart forum
Digits place .4pm
Topic: Loving an in submissive wife/submitting to an unloving hubby

August 16th (Sunday)
Senior Friends Church
Time: 8am
COP festac.

August 19-23rd
National Convention FECA

August 27-30th
He's Alive Youth Convention
Amuwo Odofin.

August 30th
(I).  FOSM Mile 2
     Dedication of new leaders
     Venue: Chocho's place.

(ii). MBF (Marital Bliss Forum)
     Venue: Ayo Odulaja Residence
     Topic: intimacy matters in Marriage
     Strictly by invitation and for the married.

August 31st
IMF with Communion Service
Topic: The speaking Blood (ember Months)
Digits Place.
Time: 6pm.